Josef A. Jungmann SJ (1889-1975) was expert in the history of the Roman Rite. (The dates are important because there has been more than one Josef Jungmann SJ). To say he was lionised perhaps will mislead. Leviathanised would be closer the mark. The praise is always fulsome. The blurb at the beginning of this article is a standard example.
Alcuin Reid gives us a couple more.
An historian, he has unequalled mastery of the complex changes in liturgical forms, but he has a wonderful sense for the abiding values of the Liturgy. With fine discrimination her is able to assess the gains and losses through the centuries and to suggest reforms that will restore to traditional values their pastoral efficacy. A deep pastoral concern pervades all his work.
[Charles Davis preface to the English translation of Odo Casel, The Mystery of Christian Worship, p.xii. Quoted in Alcuin Reid OSB, The Organic Development of the Liturgy, (Farnborough, Hants: St Michael's Abbey Press, 2004) Chapter 3 "The Liturgical movement and Liturgical Reform form from 1948 to the Second Vatican Council", "Introduction", p.134, fn.5.]
And another one:
There is mighty little that he holds that anybody would be inclined to dispute; for he seems to come as near to omniscience on this subject as is humanly possible … Jungmann's conclusions are pretty well universally accepted by the pundits. He is THE great man of the day.
[Clifford Howell SJ in "The Parish in the Life of the Church" in Living Parish Series, Living Parish Week, p.23. Quoted in Alcuin Reid OSB, ibid., "Josef Andreas Jungmann SJ", p.152.]
How can anyone survive that sort of praise?
(Clifford Howell's The Work of Our Redemption is available online.)