The Trojan PM

Troy Bramston, who used to be the speech writer for Australia's answer to Grover Cleveland, Kevin Rudd, is impressed by the Presidential Library of George Bush II (oh, alright, President George W. Bush) and thinks we should have similar things here.

I for one would be very interested to go to the Vice Regal Library of Michael Jeffery

Maybe Kevin Rudd should call his three immediate predecessors Julia Gillard, John Howard and Paul Keating and ask them to partner with a university and offer them a start-up grant and ongoing funding to serve as an important educational tool and stimulate civic interest in government, politics and history.

I see. He means President as Head of Government (our PM) instead of President as Head of State (our G-G). First you have to ask, what's wrong with Hawke, Fraser and Whitlam? I mean, I know the answer, but why not include them? We already give these people generous pensions, offices and free travel. This is starting to look like money for menaces. "Cough up or I'll come back and pass another carbon tax, borrow money from a dodgy Iraqi businessman etc."

As a matter of fact U. S. Presidential libraries appear to be a waste of money and highly partisan. (See also: State of the Union  speeches, take that! The West Wing).


Greek teaching in the Unided Stades

Rod Decker provides A Recommended Bibliography for Beginning Greek Students. He lists different kinds of books (texts, grammars, lexicons, concordances) etc. by year of study. For a third year student he recommends as a lexicon the following:

Liddell & Scott (the standard lexicon for classical Greek; it does include NT material). “Liddell,” BTW, is pronounced “little” (not “li-dell”).

The surname of the co-author of this lexicon, Henry George Liddell (the father of Alice in Wonderland, believe it or not), is given the pronunciation  /ˈlɪdəl/ by Wikipedia (at least it did when I wrote this) not /ˈlɪtl̩/. I was puzzled by this apparent typo before I realised Decker is relying on the voiced American T.


Unlocalised news

As a father of young children I was interested to see the following in my news feeds:

Senator asks airlines to drop seat fee for kids
Senator Charles Schumer is urging airlines to allow families with young children to sit together without paying extra.
Relevant / Sun, 27 May 2012 14:04:53 GMT
Maybe we will take that Tasmanian trip after all. The trouble is that his name doesn't appear among current Senators. Click through to the story and you get the following:
May 28, 2012
Senator Charles Schumer is urging airlines to allow families with young children to sit together without paying extra.
Yes, but what state is he from?
The New York Democrat is reacting to an Associated Press story last week...

And what doubtlessly Murdoch owned, hopelessly Americanised news purveyor was this? Who divides the world between "Senators" and "non-US Senators" when we have Senators of our own Down Under? It would be the non Murdoch owned Sydney Morning Herald.

But of course we must abolish the monarchy to do away with the cultural cringe...

We are all Americans now

(And not in a good way.) From Vatican Insider:
She could have been Britain’s First Lady but she chose to become a Benedictine nun. 44 year old Laura Adshead dated British Prime Minister, David Cameron, from spring 1990 to summer 1991. In 2008, after seeing her life slip more and more deeply into a spiral of gossip, alcohol and drugs, the dazzling blond decided to take her vows as a Benedictine nun, becoming Sister John Mary.
Did anyone tell this "First Lady"?